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Submitted by acorda on Thu 15/02/2024 - 15:37
Contact Person
Ms. Thandiwe Mchunu
Role / Position
Email Address
SME Cohort
Cohort 1 - 2020
Renewable Energy Technologies
SME Countries
Physical address
Amahlongwa Mission, Umkomaas, 4170, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Telephone number
+27 813591227
How has the company benefited from the Facility
The company director has participated in several workshops for entrepreneurs. Recently TMGG is part of a twinning program organised by IRENA and SACREEE, to unite entrepreneurs and well-established entities in their field. With this program, we are hopeful to meet the rightful company that uses pyrolysis technology to treat municipal waste so that we can partner and start conducting feasibly studies.
Other products
• Waste to Energy (Pyrolysis, Anaerobic digester)| • Waste collection| • Water purification| • Concentrated biogas sales| • Biogas and Electricity production