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- Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has 2,771MW installed capacity and operating capacity 1,795MW. The Energy Supply Industry in Zimbabwe consists of the Ministry of Energy and Power Development (MEPD), the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) and the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) Holdings which is the national holding company for electricity generation, transmission and distribution utilities.
The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) operates a 2 412MW generation fleet comprising four thermal power stations that collectively supply electricity from four thermal and one hydro power stations. Hwange (920MW) Bulawayo (90 MW) Harare (30MW) and Munyati (100MW) and Kariba hydropower station has an installed capacity of 1 050MW. The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) is responsible for both transmission and distribution of electricity. The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) to ensure universal access to energy by rural communities by 2030. Zimbabwe belongs to the Southern Africa Power Pool and is also a member of the Regional Energy Regulators Association through the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA). The Department of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy is SACREEE’s National Focal Institution.
There is increasing contribution from independent power producers who collectively produce 131 MW from 3 bagasse projects (74%), 8 mini hydro projects 24%; and 2% from one solar PV project. Zimbabwe has an average solar irradiation of 20MJ per square metre per day and 3,000 hours of sunshine per year. The country has renewable energy targets of 1 100MW by 2025, and 2 100 MW by 2030.
The average national energy access rate is 62% with urban and rural access rates of 86% and 37% respectively.