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Submitted by acorda on Wed 01/11/2023 - 10:20

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Industrial Energy Efficiency Programme (SIEEP) is a flagship project of the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) and has been developed following a Scoping and Assessment Study of the SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Programme (SIEEP- Phase 1- ES0085).

The SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap (2015-2063) identifies energy as a major barrier as well as a key enabler for the industrial competitiveness of the region. One of the cost-effective ways to overcome these barriers is for industries to use energy efficiently. SIEEP, as a driver of the SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap, will seek to gain and spur public and private sector support for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) adoption in relation to specific objectives of the Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap. The Strategy and Roadmap emphasize the promotion of the use of alternative sources of energy, particularly renewables and the adoption of energy efficient technologies to reduce the cost of production and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

The SIEEP will also contribute to the operationalization of SADC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan (REEESAP1) by supporting, amongst others, the setting of minimum energy performance standards for EE equipment, the establishment of energy audits and energy management systems, and accreditation of EE service providers.

Energy Efficiency (EE) is important to SADC Member States (MS) as they face substantial energy-related challenges that include low energy access, power constraints due to inadequate and ageing infrastructure, and inadequate funding for additional energy capacity infrastructure development amongst, other factors.

The SIEEP is focused on objectives and actions that will provide an enabling environment (policy, regulatory, institutional, financial frameworks), projects that will demonstrate energy savings and the co-benefits of reduced costs of doing business, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, job creation and contribution to industrialization in the SADC region.

For more information about the SIEEP project please refer to the report:  or contact us.