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This training will consist of online workshops with staff selected by SACREEE

Investment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The SADC region lacks conditions and infrastructure to support clean technology innovations by SMEs. There are very few platforms to identify innovators, develop their ideas and provide them with skills and knowledge and ultimately link them to financing, so that new technologies can be developed, scaled, and launched into the mainstream.

Therefore, SACREEE launched a specific SADC Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility.

SACREEE’s activities in this area include:

Policy Advisory

Policy and regulatory frameworks are increasingly transcending borders hence SACREEE is promoting the regional approach in renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and strategies. The overall approach is to develop harmonized policy, regulatory, and institutional frameworks conducive to broader and accelerated uptake of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and practices in the region and Member States. Gender Mainstreaming in energy policies and programmes is prioritised.

This is a test event