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Submitted by acorda on Thu, 02/15/2024 - 15:37
Contact Person
Mr. Mweetwa Mundia Sikamikami
Role / Position
Founder & Engineering Consultant
Email Address,,
SME Cohort
Cohort 5 - 2023
Renewable Energy Technologies
SME Countries
Physical address
Lus/1170 –M23 Flat B, Chilonga Close, Zambia Airways, Lusaka, Zambia
Telephone number
+260 972516020; +260 961605336
Other products
Renewable energy project implementation processes; Captive Commercial & Industrial (C&I) energy users; Quality standards & regulations; Energy audits; Designing Off-Grid Solar Energy Systems, Stand-alone and Home systems; Agriculture – Energy Nexus, Healthcare – Energy Nexus; Key Financial Model Inputs, and Modeling; Legal Aspects