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- Kingdom of Eswatini

Eswatini has an installed and operating capacity of 71MW which is owned and operated by the Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) against 234MW peak demand ¹. The installed capacity includes about 60.4 MW hydropower as well as about 10 MW solar PV that is coupled to a 1 MW battery storage system. The utility has four hydro power stations: Edwaleni (15 MW), Maguga (20MW), Ezulwini (20MW) and Maguduza (5.6MW). In addition to this, there is about 105 MW installed capacity of predominantly bagasse and wood chips biomass private sector power plants which largely provide captive power captive power. and is primarily for own use. About 16 MW of this is sold to EEC through a power purchase agreement (PPA). The power utility’s installed power plants generate between 20% and 30% of the country’s demand and the balance of the power is imported from South Africa, Mozambique and the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) to meet the country’s peak demand. Both biomass and solar PV have the potential to contribute significantly to the energy mix. Renewable energy currently contributes to 67% of the overall energy mix.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy oversees policy development and implementation. Eswatini is a member of the SAPP, and the Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority (ESERA) is a member of the Regional Energy Regulators Association. ESERA is the SACREEE National Focal Institution for Eswatini.
The national access rate for the county is 82% which consists of 94%urban and 72% rural access rates (as of March 2021).
1. Southern Africa Power Pool, 2022