Contact Person
Mr. Admire Bosha
Role / Position
Managing Director
Email Address
boshaadmire3@gmail.com, info@biobhotec.com
Physical address
Harere Institute of Technology| P.O. Box BE277, Belvedere| Harare, Zimbabwe
Telephone number
+263 771372004; +263 785 656 665
Website link
How has the company benefited from the Facility
The company was given an exceptional opportunity to broaden and deepen its knowledge of a wide range of sustainable energy sources. This included extensive training in various aspects of renewable energy, such as biogas technology, green hydrogen production, solar power generation, wind turbines, and much more, as well as strategic steps to take in order to build a successful business in these fields. For the company's success, the company learned how to be good leaders and effectively lead teams. It also learned about strategic plans for product commercialization, where we learned that commercializing a product requires careful planning and execution
Other products
Portable domestic biogas biogister| Instutional Biogas Biodigesters | Compressed Biogas (CBG) | Supply Biogas in closed communities | Electricity generation from Biogas for off-grid and on-grind.