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Submitted by acorda on Thu, 02/15/2024 - 15:37
Contact Person
Chabuka J. Kawesha
Role / Position
Email Address
SME Cohort
Cohort 2 - 2021
Renewable Energy Technologies
SME Countries
Physical address
52 Chiwalamabwe Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia
Telephone number
(+260) 97 1993705| (+260) 97 7770069
How has the company benefited from the Facility
Staff Training and industry knowledge: Staff at various levels were accorded the opportunity to participate in SACREEE promoted initiatives. Further exposure to help and expose in development of feasibility studies, grid integration studies, commercial and technical capacity can be appreciated. Keep up with this great initiative.
Other products
1. Electricity Power Generation| 2. Power Line Transmission