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- Botswana

At the end of October 2022, Botswana had 892MW installed capacity and the country depends on 50% imports for its electricity requirements. Renewable energy from solar PV contributes only to 7% of the capacity. Renewable energy resources for Botswana are solar, wind, and other forms of bioenergy that include biofuels and biomass wastes.
The Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE) is responsible for policy development and planning for the energy sector. The Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) is the national power utility responsible for electricity power generation, transmission, and distribution and it is in responsible for the implementation of rural electrification which is funded by the MMGE. Botswana is a member of the Southern Africa Power Pool, and the Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority is affiliated to the Regional Energy Regulators Association. The Department of Energy is the National Focal Institution for SACREEE.
At least 91% and 26% of the urban and rural population has access to energy respectively, giving the country an average of 59% access.