ARE Awards 2020 Categories
The ARE Awards 2020 will celebrate 6 categories for projects implemented in 2019:
Category 2: Public Bodies and Non-Profit Organisations
Category 3: Win-Win Partnerships (e.g. nexus work, multi-sectoral collaboration)
Category 4: Best De-Risking & Finance Scheme
Category 5: Best Start-Up
Category 6: Best Women Empowerment Initiative
Applicants should structure their submission in a way that clearly addresses the following selection criteria:
Effectiveness to contribute to new energy access provided or existing energy access advanced
Financial Sustainability
Engagement with project beneficiaries / Participation of local population
Adequate risk management
Positive socio-economic impact
Impact on CO2 reduction
Innovation potential for replication and upscaling
Selection Process of Winners
Any institution, company or formal entity can apply for the ARE Awards 2020. Each candidate can apply for a maximum of two categories (e.g. category 4 and 5), which should be clearly stated in their respective submission.
If third parties were involved in the project, candidates are required to have their explicit and signed acceptation for the submission of the project for the ARE Awards 2020.
We would like to ask you to inform us about suitable candidates and to justify them, accordingly.
Deadline: 17 January 2020 (please submit your application form for the ARE Awards 2020 to Inken Hoeck)
ARE will inform winners and invite them for ARE Awards Ceremony by 31 January 2020.
Prize for ARE Awards 2020 Winners
Free access to the 6th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum (incl hotel stay for 3 nights)
Free stand at the Forum Exhibition
Pitch to high-level stakeholders and funders
Global Promotion throughout the ARE network
ARE Awards 2020 Jury
ARE - Claudio Pedretti (Chair), Board Member
AfDB - Daniel Schroth, Advisor to the Vice President for Power, Energy, Climate & Green Growth
GET.invest - Jan Cloin, Deputy Team Leader
IRENA - Salvatore Vinci, Deputy Director, Country Support & Partnerships Division
REEEP - John Tkacik, Director of Energy Analytics
REN21 - Arthouros Zervos, Chair
SACREEE - Kuda Ndhlukula, Executive Director
SEforALL TAF - Kandeh Yumkella / Moderator Africa-Europe High-Level Platform for Sustainable Energy Investments in Africa
UNIDO - Rana Ghoneim, Chief, Energy Systems & Infrastructure Division