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Project Assistant - SADC RE Entrepreneurship Support Facility and SOLTRAIN+

Selma Festus is the Project Assistant for the SADC RE Entrepreneurship Support Facility and the Southern African Renewable Heating and Cooling Training and Demonstration Initiative (SOLTRAIN+) projects. Prior to joining SACREEE, she worked as a Human Resources management...

Project Coordinator – Distributed RE and Productive Use of Energy

Philimon Kamanga is the Project Coordinator for the Intra-African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) ProgrammeHe has more than eight years’ experience in the renewable energy sector...

Project Coordinator – SADC RE Enterprise Support Facility

Kornelia Iipinge-Silishebo is the Project Coordinator for the SADC Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility at SACREEE which is supported by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Prior to joining SACREEE, she worked with the University of Namibia (UNAM)...

Project Support – ELLA Project

Asteria Markus is a Project Support Officer under the Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances Project which is being implemented in SADC and East Africa Community (EAC).  She is also supporting   gender mainstreaming and diversity aspects of other projects such...

Energy Efficiency Expert

Mzwandile Thwala worked for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy in Eswatini for almost 9 years before joining SACREEE. Whilst in the Ministry he was overseeing the implementation of the rural electrification program, including planning and monitoring of the programs. He...

Renewable Energy Expert – AREP Programme

Eugenia Masvikeni is the Renewable Energy Expert for SACREEE under the Southern Africa Power Pool / World Bank Accelerating Regional Energy/Transformational Projects (AREP) Programme. In her 20 years’ experience in the energy sector, she has worked on various consulting...

Lead Technical Expert – ELLA Project

Readlay Makaliki is the Lead Technical Expert on the SIDA-funded and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) implemented Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances (ELLA) Project developing harmonised EE appliance standards in the SADC region.  Readlay...

Executive Director of SACREEE.

Kudakwashe (Kuda) Ndhlukula is the Executive Director of SACREEE. Before joining SACREEE, Kuda worked as a consultant/energy infrastructure expert, a Programme Officer – Capacity Building for the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Prior to that, he was the Director of...