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- Mauritius

Mauritius has 848MW installed capacity which is 46% supplied from four thermal power stations and 10 hydroelectric plants. Heavy fuel oil and coal supply the bulk of the energy. The role of independent power producers is notable from private generators from the sugarcane industry who use bagasse to supply the remaining 54% of the country’s power requirements.
The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities has monopoly for transmission, distribution, and sale of electricity in Mauritius. The Central Electricity Board (CEB) is responsible for the electricity sector planning. The Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA) is responsible for the promotion of renewable energy technologies. The target share of renewables in the energy mix is 35% and 40% by 2025 and 2030 respectively from wind, wave, solar PV, biomass, and waste-to-energy. The Utility Regulatory Authority is a member of the Regional Energy Regulators Association and Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities is the SACREEE National Focal Institution.
Access to electricity in Mauritius is almost 100% with urban access recorded at 99% and rural access at 100%.